This time I want to telling you about the exploration of Juanda National Park (THR Juanda) or also called Taman Hutan Dago. This place is one of the national tourism in Indonesia, so I write this blog with English.
Taman Hutan Dago berada di bagian utara kota Bandung. Cara mencapainya mudah kok. Jalan terus ke arah utara Jalan Dago dan disana sudah ada sign yang ditulis dengan jelas menuju lokasinya.
Juanda National Park is located on the north of Bandung. It's easy to achieve there. Ride to north side of Dago (Ir. Juanda) Street and there has many signs to achieve it.
Harga tiket masuknya Rp11.000/orang, sudah termasuk asuransi jiwa. Jika anda membawa kendaraan akan dikenakan tarif tambahan, tapi tidak terlalu mahal kok. Ketika saya kesana membawa motor, saya membayar Rp5.000 untuk karcis motornya.
The ticket price is worth Rp11.000/person, includes life insurance. If you bring any vehicles, additional charges apply. When I was going there with a motorcycle, the additional charge was Rp5.000.
Ada beberapa gerbang untuk masuk ke lokasi Taman Hutan Dago, tapi hanya ada 2 gerbang utama yang besar. Gerbang pertama terdapat parkir yang luas diluar lokasi, jadi kita masuk dengan jalan kaki. Gerbang kedua, kendaraan bisa masuk ke lokasi.
There has several ways to enter the Taman Hutan Dago. But only 2 primary gates. The first gate has a large parking lot, so you can park your vehicle there and then you enter the ticketing gate. The second gate, your vehicle allowed to enter the location.
Taman Hutan Dago ini sangat luas, membentang dari Dago sampai ke Maribaya, Lembang. Hutan ini dapat 'menyangga kehidupan' masyarakat di pulau Jawa hingga Bali lho.
Taman Hutan Dago is a large area, spreading from Dago to Maribaya, Lembang. This national park could 'supporting life' the people who are living on Java and Bali island.
Pada bagian depan lokasi ini, terdapat beberapa objek wisata. Ada museum, panggung terbuka, guest house, taman bermain, camping ground, forest cafe, danau kecil, dan lain-lain. Jalannya bagus dengan banyak pohon disekitarnya. Objek wisata ini merupakan objek wisata yang paling sering dikunjungi oleh pelajar maupun pengunjung lainnya.
There are some of tourist attractions such as museum, open-stage, guest house, children playground, camping ground, forest cafe, small pond, etc. The road is good and has a lot of trees around there. These attractions are the most visited by students or other visitors.
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Jalan begitu masuk gerbang kedua |
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Tempat berkumpul |
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Monumen |
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Danau kecil |
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Danau kecil |
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Sangkar burung besar |
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Children playground |
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Camping ground |
These attractions are so usual for me, so I want to explore it more. When you go further, you will find Japanese Cave and Dutch Cave.
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Goa Jepang |
Japanese Cave is the nearest. This cave has some entrance which interconnected inside. The cave is dead-end and so dark. The path is so rocky and uneven wall surfaces, so we must be careful when we walked in. There are some flashlight renters and tour guides. The flashlights are rented Rp5.000 each. The cave was used by Japanese soldier for hiding place and for weapons storage.
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Goa Belanda |
Done there, the next attraction is Dutch Cave. Not like Japanese Cave, this cave has 2 access for in and out at both end, and branched paths in it. The paths and the walls are so good and flat, but keep be careful because there has used rail at the primary path. There is one branch of path which has covered by wall. Once, that path was used as 'test of courage' on a TV channel, and the participant was frightened by ghosts. And the creepy thing, the ghost were caught on cameras! What a horror things! Because of that they covered that path with wall. For you who afraid entering the cave, you can walk throught side of the hills. Quite far by the way.
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Jalan setapak dengan aliran air |
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Bekas longsoran |
After exiting the cave, you will find one path to Omas Waterfall (Curug Omas) on Maribaya, Lembang. It's 4,4 km away and can be reached on 2-3 hours. The path was made from paving blocks, ground, and rocks. Some points are damaged and there is 2 landslides too. The path was muddy and there was some water flows at some points because of rainy season. But the great view of tropical rainforest and the fresh air make your trip more enjoyable!
Ada 3 tanjakan yang menurut saya paling terjal dan cukup melelahkan untuk melaluinya. Hutannya sangat lebat, sehingga cahaya matahari cukup sulit menembusnya. Oh ya, jika anda cukup lelah untuk berjalan, ada ojek yang siap mengantar anda.
There are 3 climbs that I think are the most rugged and quite tiring to go through it. The forest is very dense, so the sunshine is quite difficult to penetrate it. If you are tired enough to walk, there are motorcycle taxis are available to take you.
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Ada aliran air lagi di jalan setapaknya |
You will find a bridge at the time of going to the Curug Omas. After the bridge, the path was made from rocky stairs and there is a water flow so that the motorcycle can't pass. The river scenery is very beautiful! It good for you to take a selfie.
Setelah beberapa meter dari jembatan itu, ada arah lurus dan belok kanan. Jika lurus, maka anda akan keluar ke Maribaya. Jika anda belok kanan, maka anda akan menuju ke Curug Omas, hanya 300 meter dari petsimpangan itu.
After a few meters from the bridge, there is a straight direction and turn-right direction. If you walk straight, then you will come out to Maribaya. If you turn right, then you will go to the Curug Omas, only 300 meters from that intersection.
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Jembatan kayu |
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Lihat, jembatan tepat di atas terjunan sungainya! |
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Sungai |
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Pemandangan ke jurang |
You will find a great waterfall with a bridge above it. Yes, that is Curug Omas. The bridge was built from irons and woods, so can be crossed by 5 persons at the same time. Quite stressful when we stand in the middle of the bridge, looking into the ravine. But it so exciting!
Setelah menyebrang, mata anda akan disegarkan dengan pemandangan pohon-pohon pinus yang tinggi, lahan berbukit,sungai yang jernih, dan sinar matahari yang menembus dedaunan. Udaranya pun sejuk sekali. Cape yang kita rasakan setelah berjalan jauh hilang seketika. Anda dapat menyewa tikar untuk berbaring sambil menikmati indahnya pemandangan disana.
After crossing it, your eyes will be refreshed by tall pine trees, small hills, clear river, and sunshine through the leaves. The air is so cool. You can rent any mats for lying down, relaxing the beautiful view.
Anda tidak perlu takut kelaparan, karena di sepanjang perjalanan ada banyak warung yang menjual berbagai makanan dan minuman.
You don't need afraid hungry, because there are some food stall which sell any kind of foods and drinks.
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Jalan setapak menuju turun |
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Curug Omas, ketinggian 50 meter |
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Itu putih karena embun dari percikan air |
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Look at the detail! Captured with my 8MP #Lumia only instead! |
Anda juga dapat turun ke bawah untuk menyaksikan air terjun dari sisi bawah. Ada jalan setapak untuk sampai ke tempat tersebut. Air terjun dapat dilihat jelas dari sini. Percikan air yang menguap menjadi embun, membuat nuansa pemandangan menjadi sangat indah. Terutama jika matahari sedang terik, akan muncul pelangi di sekitar air terjun itu. Keren banget kan?
You can also go down to the bottom to see the waterfall from the bottom side. There is a path to get to the venue. The waterfall can be seen clearly from here. Splash of water that evaporates, makes the view more excellent. If the sunshine was blazing, the rainbows would appeared. So cool, right?
Ada beberapa hewan hutan terutama monyet berkeliaran disini. Tapi jangan takut, monyetnya jinak dan lucu kok hehehe.
There are some forest animals roaming here, especially monkeys. But the monkeys are friendly, quite tame, and cute hehehe.
Taman Hutan Dago sangat cocok bagi anda, keluarga, dan teman-teman anda yang ingin refreshing dan juga berolahraga. Sudah sangat jarang tempat seperti ini ada, khususnya di kota-kota besar. Oleh karena itu kita warga Bandung sangat beruntung memilki tempat seindah ini.
Juanda National Park is perfect for those of you who want refreshing and jogging or walking. A place like this has been very rare, especially in big cities. Because of that, as we Bandung citizen must be lucky have it.
Sampai jumpa di penjelajahan berikutnya!
See you on the next exploration!
keren nih buat enjoy wisata alam lembang